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Dispute a Record inside the Openroom Court Order Search Engine

The Openroom Record Dispute Form is used solely for the purposes of disputing a record submitted to the website. Whether you are a landlord, tenant, property manager, adjudicator, or a citizen-at-large, you are able to dispute records in the Openroom Court Order Search Engine. To dispute record(s), you must have evidence that depicts why the submitted information is inaccurate. When dispute submissions don't have evidence, they will be rejected. Should you have any comments about the Openroom Record Dispute Form, please contact the Openroom team at [email protected]

What is your name?

What is your email we can contact you at?

What is the Court Order File Number or URL on the Openroom Court Order Search Engine?

Briefly mention what is inaccurate about the Court Order posted into the Openroom Court Order Search Engine

Please upload evidence which supports your claim that the record in the Openroom Court Order Search Engine is inaccurate. e.g. an Amended Court Order File